Friday, August 7, 2009

Molass Pass

After our ride out at 18 road we headed for the town of Ouray, CO the Switzerland of the US. Its nestled into this box canyon with steep cliffs all the way around. Our campground had a trail along the river, about a half mile right into town which we rode our bikes up to a few times. Our first ride in the area was actually towards Telluride. We got to the trailhead and saw an out of place sign and after further examination, the trail we wanted to take was close about 1.5 miles into it. We formed another plan to attack it from the other side but that involved a fair amount of driving, an extra trail and a boat load of climbing. Mid way in the weather started to turn but not enough to turn us. We finally arrived at our single track destination and head up and into the wild. A few miles in we came to a rather technical stream crossing and as I was about half way across we saw lightning pretty close so we abandoned our plans and high tailed it off the mountain. We put on rain gear as it started to come down but really never got hit. It seemed to be raining everywhere but where we were the whole way back. We never really did get any good pictures.
On to the next day. My butt had had enough and I needed a mental recharge as well as had to get some work done so Howie and yoda went up the road that I was dreading have to pull the camper over, up to Molass Pass. Ill let the pics do most of the talking but I have done this ride a couple other times. The way they rode it was an out n back along the colorado trail to engineer pass trail. they got an early start as the forecast was not favorable for the afternoon. Its starts with a nice climb by the lake above then across an above tree line meadow, below.

then off towards a few minor peaks.

the clouds were starting to build. I was keeping track of the radar back at base camp but had no way of reaching the boys. It was raining around them but not on them from what I could see.

the one below shows what some the trail runs through, handle bar height wild flower type stuff.

about 1pm the radar started turning ugly up there and I was really hoping that they were outta there

Yoda had had enough and was making a bee line for the truck as howie was still stopping for pics, but "staying ahead of the storm"

They just made it back and barely got the bikes on the truck before it really let loose on them

1 comment:

  1. Howie, Kevin and friends,

    Fantastic write-up of your bicycle trip on The Colorado Trail. Glad you enjoyed the excursion. Our volunteers and organization work hard to keep it nice.

    Your photos are great. Are you willing to share?


    Bill Manning, Mg Dir
    bill [at]
    The Colorado Trail Foundation
