Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hyalite Canyon

After our epic yesterday and a big ride planned for tomorrow, howie found us a shorter ride with some great trail and beautiful views at the top. We headed up Hyalite Canyon, went past the reservoir a couple miles and parked. We headed up the road another mile n a quarter to where most people park, but we are not most people and howie wanted to give us a little warm up before the trail climb. The trail heads up about 5 miles to a really beautiful alpine lake, about 2000 feet above where we started. The climb is up through a wide forested single track following the creek for the most part, doing some switchbacks later on when the canyon gets a bit steeper. There were some nice views of the creek from high above on the trail. After about 4 miles of trail climbing we broke out into a large meadow valley with high cliffs all around.

We crossed the creek above, click into it n u can see Erik crossing it. Another 200 feet of climbing and we hit Emerald lake.

After hanging out at the lake for a while, erik n I sitting on the shore while howie hobbled around taking pictures. There were a few hikers around but still felt almost alone up there, really beautiful setting. We got a bit cold sitting around so the jackets came out before heading back down, 5 miles of decent, 2000 feet with no more than 2 30 feet ups on the way back down. Great fun was had by all on the way back to the truck.

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