Sunday, July 26, 2009

Return to Reno

Well Im catching up on the blog since internet was not right at the the RV at the last place. It was the second day of Pooh and Terri joining us and we decided to to take them on another crested butte classic, the one that howie and I previewed earlier, Reno, Flag, Bear, Deadman. Howie decided that he needed to take the day to work and Phoenix Scott did the family values thing. The pics are in reverse order, but Im just being too lazy to reload them in the right order and cannot for the life of me figure out how to easily swap them. Anyways, the second picture Scott took on the way to the top of Reno Divide and the first is at the bottom of the climb up Deadman's. The ride started early with a chilly 44 degrees, there were a few slight downhills on the road to start which we kept as slow as possible to stay as warm as possible since we were all in short sleeves and shorts. We passed a couple of campers heading down to the creek that made comment about us starting early. The climb is 1700 feet and Terri made it like a champ. The road has some seriously steep parts that had me walking my first time in crested butte. Scott and I got out in front and I was expecting to wait a good long time at the top but to my surprise and amazement, pooh and Terri pulled in at the top no more than five minutes after Scott and I got there. Really awesome. So down we went, the trails actually dustier than I had ever seen, but no mud and no cows. The climb up bear was its usual toughness, Scott doing very well on a bunch of the tough ups. Terri still had a smile on her face even with pooh showing her up on the last little grunt, bad pooh bear. A little road then all smiles down bear through the meadow. The trail gets a bit steeper, I took lead since I knew it a better and already had good video footage of it. I stopped after a creek crossing to wait up for the rest, Scott, then Pooh, who said Terri was right behind as she stopped to walk a gnarly section, but after her arrival, I assured her that howie walked that section too. Some more nice single track down to the intersection with Deadman's (note Scott's second picture). Terri held in like a champ up this 700 foot single track climb. We all had fun down the well laid out switchbacks down to the waiting vehicle.

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